Are you looking for an affordable and dependable Fire Awareness training course for your staff? At Health and Safety Professionals, we deliver complete training and instruction for every fire safety requirement, from fire prevention to fire extinguisher handling.
Our expert and experienced trainers cover all aspects of fire awareness training to equip you with the required knowledge and skills. Our training gives you a greater awareness of the potential threats and the steps required to handle a fire emergency.
Fire Awareness Training entails the training of staff in areas of reducing the risks of fire hazards on site and what to do in the event of fire within the work area.
A common sense approach to fire safety
New fire safety legislation
Fire risk assessments
General duties of employees
Human behaviour
Main causes of fire in the workplace
Evacuation procedures
What is fire? the fire triangle and classes of fire
Extinguisher, smoke & fire safety equipment
Benefits of a closed door
Actions on discovering a fire
What not to do. Recap.
Whether you need basic Fire Awareness training, or need more specific Fire Warden/Marshal training, HSP can provide a comprehensive course covering various aspects of fire safety. Our courses not only explain in detail how to deal with a fire, but also inform you about different types of fires and fire prevention methods.
This course is aimed at any person that has been allocated fire safety responsibilities in the prevention of fires and implementation of fire evacuations, should a fire occur.
Aimed at all staff that may find a fire or evacuate your premises in the event of a fire.
The course consists of a presentation covering:
• Introduction
• Fire law (in brief)
• The threat of Fire
• Fire science
• Fire behaviour
• Fire action routines
• Fire extinguisher types